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Waterhead Academy

GCSE Diploma

English Literature: 8
English Language: 9

Mathematics: 5

Combined Science: Trilogy: 7-7 

Business & Enterprise: Merit

Art & Design: Graphic Communication: 9

History: 7

Creative I-Media: Distinction


Oldham College

Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Creative art, design and communication

In college, I learned a variety of skills related to developing and creating graphic design outcomes. I was taught how to use the Adobe Suite, focusing mostly on Photoshop and Illustrator. Additionally, I was helped to develop my more practical skills by picking up knowledge on different types of idea generation, print, illustration, and more. 

As part of our course, the class was given live briefs from real clients and companies, such as Party in the Pews, TfGM, and Northern Roots. This has allowed me to learn how to thoroughly understand a client's brief and produce outcomes that correlate with their wishes. It also helped me step out of my comfort zone with how different each project was. 

For my first year, we were focusing on developing all the necessary skills to be a graphic designer. This included a lot of sketching, concepting, and idea generation, followed by developments both traditionally and digitally. We had three major projects during the year: Global Goals, Safer Streets, and our Final Major Project (the FMP). The brief for our FMP was the word 'Transparency' and we were tasked with producing a graphic design outcome to represent it. I produced some character designs for a graphic novel I called Flourish, as well as the cover, some stickers, and some mock-ups for merchandise ideas. I received a distinction for my work.


For my second year, my tutor wanted to help me leave my comfort zone of character illustration and my obsession with perfectionism. To do this, I engaged in the task of creating CYRK-inspired posters using a combination of traditional work and Photoshop. He gave me a large brush that made it impossible to add detail and had me paint circus-related illustrations. I used my illustrations to create simple but colourful posters. This was a part of our first project of the year and was then followed by a project based around creating something to answer the question 'What is Graphic Design?'. This project was research-heavy, looking into the history and present of graphic design. I investigated all the different areas inside, jobs related to them, and how different artists create as a whole. To answer the brief, I designed a deck of playing cards. This included designing the pip, illustrating the face cards, the back design, and the tuck case. This entire project was to prepare us for our final brief, our FMP for our second and final year. The entire basis of this project was that it was a self-initiated brief, where we decided what we wanted to produce and say. I created a brand for a fake band, DPMN-S. In this, I included a logo design, colour palette, visual theme, and more. After developing my concept of what the branding would look like, I illustrated the members of the group (I created a small dress-up game to show their own visual aesthetic), designed a lightstick with a digital version, and made a small variety of animations. I received a distinction for my work.

Work Experience


Liquid & Envy

During my time at Liquid & Envy, I was a crew member who worked between the bars and the cloakroom. I developed my customer service skills, work speed, and ability to adapt to different situations. As a bartender, I had a responsibility over money and the operation of a till, as well as a higher responsibility over the customers' experience, mood, and safety. As well as this, I had to show speed, efficiency, and a good ability to work in a team. In the cloakroom, I had to adapt to working on my own and handling customers by myself. I was responsible for the safety of people's belongings and had to work with extra care. Organisation was key to this job.


There were plenty of overlapping skills between both jobs, such as good customer service, handling money, practicing a fast working speed, and general stocking and cleaning.


I worked there for 5–6 months before all the workers were let go.

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